If you're working with a small backyard space, consider making one of the tabletop fire pits on this list. Clear the area with a rake, then spread road base with a shovel and use a small compactor to pack it firmly to a 50mm-thick layer. Attach a string line to mark out a 4m-diameter circle with marking paint. Here, you'll find tutorials for stacked stone fire pits, brick fire pits, and even a fire pit repurposed from an old metal washing machine drum. 1.Position a peg at the centre of the zone. DIYing your fire pit is the perfect opportunity to host the best bonfire and show off your handiwork Whether you build or buy your new fire pit, its sure to. To help get you started, we've rounded up some fun and easy DIY outdoor fire pit ideas that anyone can do. Dirt Gravel Sand Stones or Rocks Magma Lava Rocks Firepit Glass Bricks Concrete. Believe it or not, it's a simple DIY project that you can do in a weekend, or in some cases, even an hour. Whether its a manicured front lawn, stone-paved pathway or intricate landscape design, Brick landscapes with a Fire Pit benefit from the same attention to.

Looking for landscaping ideas to beautify your backyard? If you ask us, one of the best additions to any outdoor oasis is a fire pit! It just has a way of bringing people together-to talk, tell stories, and, of course, make s'mores! Store-bought fire pits and kits can be expensive but that shouldn't prevent you from getting the fire pit of your dreams. Step 1 Step 1 Plan and Research Step 2 Step 2 Prepare the Fire Pit Location Step 3 Step 3 Prepare the Base Step 4 Step 4 Lay Out the Fire Pit Bricks Step 5.