Find out more about Letters and Sounds >.Use the inside front cover notes to teach your child these words before they start the book.
Some series contain occasional ‘tricky words’ that your child can’t decode using phonics.In Letters and Sounds, there are ‘sets’ within the Phases – so your child might not know all the sounds in every book within their Phase.Beyond Phase 5, your child will be able to decode most books. As a guide, most Reception children will be on Phases 1–4 and most Year 1 children will be on Phases 4–5. If you don’t know your child’s Phase, you can check with your school.If your child is using Letters and Sounds, you can find this list of eBooks by Letters and Sounds Phases useful. Check with your school if you’re not sure which one they use. Their school is very likely to use either the Letters and Sounds phonics framework or the Read Write Inc. If you live in England, your child will learn to read using phonics.